“Affirm. Adage.”

Exhibited for Public Functionary’s “In Other Miles” 2023 PF Studios, Curated by Cameron Patricia Downey


Acrylic and Mixed Textile on Canvas (36 x 48 x 2), Acrylic on Burn/Carved Wood, Digital LED /animation in wood.

Digital LED /animation | Animation of the Central Painting interwoven with childhood footage and piles of clothing imagery. This video was displayed on a programmed Raspberry Pi LED 2-inch screen and inset in a acrylic painted wooden chest.

Elements: 4 wood plates, wood burned and hand-carved, and painted with acrylic with adages/admonishments from childhood. 3 wood circles- carved and painted to represent irises and voids. 2 small wooden chests- one filled with broken and missing charms and adornments, the other filled with the LED screen. 2 12-inch circle acrylic on canvas with the words "Destined & Damned”